Toppa Top 10: Top Caribbean Culture Documentaries

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
April 19, 2011

2. Land of Look Behind (1982)

The eerie intro scene of a Rasta extracting lizards out of a lush, green plant lets you know right from jump that this film, directed by Alan Greenberg, an American friend of Bob Marley’s (and a disciple of Werner Herzog),  is no cookie-cutter music doc. There’s also some incredible footage of Gregory Isaacs in the office of his African Museum record label when he was ‘”strictly dealing with Rastafari,” and a local’s account of what happens to people in Jamaica’s remote Cockpit Country area. In spite of the borderline offensive title, it’s well worth the watch. Start part 1 here and head to Youtube for the rest.