Toppa Top 10: The 10 Best Caribbean Beers

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +1
April 5, 2013

1. Stag Lager (Trinidad & Tobago)
Stag Beer

Never mind the “Man’s Beer” machismo, or the over-charged sexual overtones: Stag is simply a damn good beer, period. Its crisp, consistently fresh flavor tingles as it goes down smooth and nice, enveloping your whole body like the warmth of the West Indies itself. For me, it’s just the best – not just for its taste, but for the memories it triggers in my mind. Kicking back on Maracas Beach with a bake and shark, chippin’ pon di road during Carnival, watching the sunset in Castara – none of it would’ve been as special without a Stag by my side. Stag simply satisfies, no matter the occasion.