LargeUpTV: 2011’s Toppa Top 10 Dancehall Dances

Intro 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
December 30, 2011

6. Cowfoot

Shelly Belly, one of dancehall’s most famous creators, made our number 6 dance after hearing Macka Diamond’s “Cow Foot,” a song in which she compares her man’s “buddy” to a cow foot. His description of the dance is short and sweet, “stretch out u han and kick out u foot, waist a jook.” Genius adds, “Your foot is hitting the ground like you have on a cow shoe and when you switch from one foot to the other you kind of whip your body around.” We agree with Genius that this dance embodies one of our favorite things about dancehall: style with a sense of humor.