Toppa Top 10: Ten Summer Coolers + Cocktails

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
June 20, 2012

2. Mojito (Cuba)

It wasn’t that long ago that we wouldn’t down a mojito any other way than they do in Havana (though being in the US meant making due with Bacardi instead of real deal Havana Club rum). But other countries are catching up with their own variations on Cuba’s national drink. The good people at Guyana’s El Dorado Rum recently put us up on a great mango mojito recipe. Muddle 10 mint leaves, a half-a-lime’s worth of lime juice, one teaspoon of demerara sugar and a wedge of lime, add ice, two ounces of white rum (they suggest their silver six-year), a half-ounce of mango nectar and top off with club soda and a fresh slice of mango or some mint—then take the afternoon off.