Words by LargeUp Crew—
Right now the cold weather has your typical New Yorker plotting their escape to the beach. Brooklyn and LargeUp’s own international ambassador Blacka Di Danca, however, is headed in a different direction on his winter vacation. Blacka, who’s brought his dancehall workshops to Siberia and Mexico in the past month alone, is headed east for his third European trek this year.
While the three-week sojourn means he’ll miss Thanksgiving dinner, he’ll be taking authentic dancehall movement to new frontiers, like Vilnius, Lithuania and Pamplona, Spain—home of the legendary “Running of the Bulls.” (There’s definitely a new dance in there somewhere—you listening, Blacka?)
A handful of dates are still open, so if you happen to run a dance studio in Europe, contact dextyle.dance@gmail.com for booking. Until then, keep up with Blacka in his new LargeUp column, Blacka’s World.