Words by Eddie STATS Houghton
Ever since we featured Los Rakas in our Now Things series it seems like they are on their grind super-heavy. Now they are holding class on how to be Raka with a webisode series directed by Nina Parks called Soy Raka University. On the lesson plan for the first day of school skateboard philosophy, white tee etiquette and minerology (at Highline Jewelers–“Where The Bay Comes To Shine”). And if that is not enough Raka, check in next friday for part 2 plus watch out for their Central Park Summerstage performance on August 20th and BY THE WAY, the night before (9/19) Large Up will be bringing you the release event for their new EP Chancletas y Camisetas Bordada. at Tamanny Hall in the LES! Stay tuned for more details.